Sunday, August 23, 2009

God's gift to us :)

Its been almost 2 years of my marriage and we are happily awaiting our little one any time this month :). I always keep thinking how great the god's creation is. My baby is almost on the verge to enter into this world of demons (u can say that literally of the world). I always used to think how peacefuly he/she will be inside the womb with no disturbances or tensions that life has in store for her/him. I really feel sorry for the children that are yet to be born. Whatever we do at the end of the day we force them or teach them to do exactly like what we need them to do (whether good or bad). In short, when grown up, they are almost the replica of us of what we have moulded them or actually tried to make them like us. Literally, we can't blame anyone for this. This is what is been happening for generations. They say humans make mistake. But i think its only humans that make mistake.he he he.. End of the day, whatever it is, its gods gift to each women of giving the ability to give birth to a new life (not that husbands dont have their contribution to this ;) ) and also the word 'mother' given to each women who have given birth, considered to be priceless :). After all without mothers we all would not have been fact not even for this human race :)
Neetz ;)

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